First miles in the legs

In Charity, Cycling, Events by LeeLeave a Comment

This afternoon (Wed 11th Sept) 30 riders, with the assistance of Derek Adams and George Adams of Ross County FC, set off on day 1 of a 5 day charity challenge. ‘Tour for Tommy’ is a completely unique event, cycling to each of the SPL (2012/13) clubs, beginning in Ross County on Wednesday 11th and ending at Celtic Park on Sunday 15th Sept (380 miles in total). The event will see riders including Tommy’s children – Jonathan and Michael, as well as Tommy’s friends Pat Bonner and Frank McGarvey plus their children, pushing the boundaries.

Breaking Strain Events creating an inspirational startline for Tour for Tommy

With a target of £100k, this will be their largest event to date with all proceeds being used by beneficiary MASScot, to purchase and kit out Scotland’s first ever mobile skin cancer screening & advisory unit.

Leigh Smith MBE, Chair of MASScot said “The mobile unit will allow MASScot to attend events all over Scotland enabling us to spread the message of the danger of a delay in treatment of skin cancer and how best to prevent most skin cancers. Sadly more Scottish men die of skin cancer than women, this is thought to be because men do not like visiting the doctor. But they flock to football grounds – so we will go where they go”

Before setting off on the journey from Ross County, Derek Adams and George Adams welcomed all of the riders into the stadium for a chat and bite to eat prior to the big ride. Derek mentioned “I am so delighted that Pat and Frank are involved to create exposure for this event, and that the next generation in each of the families are taking part. It’s a fitting tribute to the legacy of Tommy.”
Before departing, George very kindly donated a four figure sum to the charity on behalf of the Club.

Start of Tour for Tommy at Ross County FC, Dingwall

Each of the participants have paid for their own equipment, clothing and hotel accommodation, however British Gas have kindly donated £5k worth of branded rain jackets to see them through the blustery Scottish weather. British Gas employee and tour participant, Jenny McGarvey said “I have been involved with the Tommy Burns Skin Cancer Trust for a number of years. We will be cycling across Scotland over the coming days and we are delighted to have support from British Gas”.

Tommy’s son Jonathan mentioned “My dad used to love travelling to all of the Scottish Clubs away from home, and so we felt that this challenge would be really fitting. Fans of all Clubs were so supportive of my family when dad passed, and we’d really like to give something back to each of the Scottish communities by purchasing this mobile unit which will be used all over Scotland”.

We are encouraging fans of all Clubs to follow the event, and get involved themselves. Whether this be cheering the riders on in the streets, or stopping by the Clubs to greet them with cakes and sweets, all support would be extremely welcome.

The Tour visiting Inverness Caledonian Thistle

We will also be hosting a charity dinner dance on the 25th October at the Glasgow Thistle, with places selling for £50pp. Further information will be on the Facebook page from Sunday evening.

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