
A Few Tips for Newbie Runners

In Event Management Scotland by LeeLeave a Comment

For one of our most recent ventures, we’ve teamed up with Edinburgh Gossip Girls to launch their shiny new ‘Runny Egg’ 10K event. As part of the build-up to the big day, we’ve been coaching these fabulous ladies through personal training sessions and take-home programs. And we’ve seen some truly egg-cellent progression over the past few weeks! So much so that we decided to write a blog dedicated to inspiring runners who are new to the game. So here are our most noteworthy tips.

1. Get the right gear… even if right now you’ve got no idea.

The last thing you want are blisters, chafing or injuries holding you back from your new hobby. Even if you’re not feeling like a ‘pro’ just yet, having the right gear from the get go will give you the comfort to stay motivated and safe. Think breathable, supportive, technical and highly visible. Above all, investing in the right pair of running trainers will really make the difference. Check out this article by Runner’s World to see what to look out for and what to avoid when buying the right pair. So where can you buy such goodies? If you’re local to central Scotland, we recommend you take a trip to Run and Become,Run 4 It or Achilles Heel  and chat to the experts. Or have a browse online at our awesome partners Evossi Explore who specialise in performance running clothing.

2. Practice makes perfect. Master good technique.

Mastering a good technique will reduce your risk of injury, prevent unnecessary tiredness and make your runs feel smoother and more enjoyable. It’s all about good posture, correct foot positioning and effective breathing rhythms. Running expert Mitchell Phillips shares some basic tips in this article.

3. Join a running group. Find a buddy. Dedicate Yourself.

We understand that it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find a friend with a schedule that mirrors your own, and therefore you will inevitably be training solo some of the time. However, being part of a running group or having a friend challenge themselves along side you can be very encouraging. On days where you’re lacking enthusiasm, others can be there to motivate you, and vice versa. Setting yourselves a bit of fun and healthy competition can be highly beneficial towards gaining results quickly too.

4. Set yourself a target. Sign up for a race.

Having a date set in the diary will make your running journey feel real and full of purpose. It will give you a time frame to work with and allow you to set milestones. Running events can be very rewarding and leave you with a real sense of accomplishment – as well as an epic medal! Keep an eye out for the launch of our Run the Blades 10K that’s set for July 2018, it’s an awesome introduction to trail running.

5. Be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your best 10K time won’t be either.

Don’t expect to run a full 10K in under an hour on the first day you put your trainers on and step out the door. Take it slow. Start with a short distance. And never give up. A ten minute jog is better than nothing. Don’t feel disheartened if you’re struggling to run for longer than a few minutes in the beginning. Interchange these running spurts with intervals of walking and gradually increase your running duration over time. Once you feel yourself improving, try and build on your distance, beat your last time and start training on hills. Keeping a training log can be the key to success here. Remember that other exercise such as strength conditioning, swimming and yoga can help improve your strength and general fitness, subsequently improving your running ability. Lastly, never undermine the importance of rest days! Your muscles need time to repair.

For any experienced runners who may be reading this… what words of wisdom do you have to share?

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